Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday Bonus Post: Literary Agents

Just reading the latest issue of the Fabulist Flash ezine over lunch. Subscribe (for free, of course) and you won't be disappointed:

Editor Gregory Kompes does a fab job of bringing great, weekly writing articles and info your way, and this issue continues the tradition.

As of late, the writer's lament on my local RWA chapter loop has centered around literary agents. Two Fabulist Flash articles give writers insight into the arena of the literary agent: Why Literary Agents Are So Important To Your Success by Steve Manning and Query Letters: Ten Ways to Hook a Literary Agent by Lisa Silverman.

You'll need to scroll a wee bit to get to the good stuff. Like waiting for the center of a tootsie pop, however, it's well worth it.

The Fabulist Flash, Issue 121:

Happy agent-ing,