Monday, June 18, 2007


Just so no one think I'm slacking (which I've been known to do on occasion), I'm headed out on vacation for the next week or so.

Keep writing & check back soon...more great stuff to come!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More Character

Sorry for the lax in posting lately. The end of the school year always flies by in a whirl of folders to be cleaned and desks to be moved.

I'm still fleshing out some of my character traits for the next fictional WIP, and found another resource to give me questions to ponder in that vein:

Character Trait Chart and Personality Components by Sandy Tritt

Lotsa good stuff to consider....

Happy charactering,

Thursday, June 07, 2007

More on Character

Thought-provoking, wonderfully descriptive article on how to make your characters come to life in myriad ways from one of my fave writer's writers Tami Cowden:

Characterization (three separate articles) by Tami Cowden

Happy Character building,

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Another Great Contest....

Today's contest listing is terrific!

Romance Junkies is hosting their fourth annual contest for romance writers and the final editor judge is none other than Chris Keeslar of Dorchester. Aside from the fact that Chris is super-nice, Dorchester would be a great place to break in to.

Check it out now....

Entries are accepted through August 1st. Get yours in today!

happy writing,

Friday, June 01, 2007

Brava Novella Contest

Do you write a little spicy? Love the Brava line? Here's your chance to get noticed.

The 5th annual Brava Novella contest information is now posted at the Brava website-- Check out the sidebar of book covers of previous winners for inspiration.

Every year this contest is one of the most talked about contests in romance writing circles. The entry length is just 750 words--why not give it a try?

Happy Brava-novelling,

Writer's Resources

Because I'm truly trying to practice what I preach, I'm posting again--putting up good stuff as I find it.

Something in Timothy Hallinan's bio caught my eye (his educational background) from the last post (see below) so I checked out his site, only to find a wonderful collection of articles for writers on the writing process. Very good stuff.

Timothy Hallinan's Writers' Resources

Happy Writing,

Setting as Character

Short, thoughtful, succinct article on how to use setting as a character to enhance your story...

Setting as Character by Timothy Hallinan

Happy Writing,