Friday, March 23, 2007

Writing for Trade Magazines I

In our rush to get published by the big names--whether by fiction publishing powerhouses or nonfiction glossy magazines, we often overlook a possible source of positive income who welcomes relationships with writers: trade magazines.

Because I've become interested in trades lately for a variety of reasons, and because this is my blog and I decide what gets posted (it's good to be selfish me sometimes), here are some links to background information on writing for trade magazines if you're new or curious. In upcoming posts I'll dig up some trade magazine markets and guidelines to share. So let's get started...

Writing for Trade Magazines by Mark Lamendola

Podcast: Writing for Technical and Trade Publications with Denise Rockhill, Jenny Kasza, and Rachael Zimmerman of NaSPA, the Network and Systems Professionals Association

Do You Really Want to Get Published? Write for Trade Magazines! By Mary Ann Hahn

Writing for Real Estate Trade Magazines by Dan Rafter

That should do it for now...

Happy trade writing,