Monday, March 05, 2007

Goal Setting, Part II

Yeah, and you thought I was done preaching off the goal soapbox!

With almost 1/3 of the year gone, it's time to focus in on those writing goals we set with such fervor at the beginning of the year.

Today's articles are thought-provoking and hopefully motivational in getting you to revisit the goals you so loftily (my word, English teacher's prerogative) set in January or December.

First up is a refresher on the why, how and how-to of setting writing goals:

Setting Goals for Your Writing Career by Lee Masterson

The next is by one of my favorite writer's writers, Mridu Khullar, on whether the goals you set are meeting YOUR needs:

Are You Achieving Your Writing Goals? by Mridu Khullar

The third is probably the most fun and fascinating--if typical rewards for your goal-setting process don't do it for you, there's bound to be a suggestion here to capture your interest. Way cool ideas!

50 Strategies for Making Yourself Work by Jerry Oltion

Whatever you choose, the important thing is to get into the habit of setting and resetting those goals...the more you do it, the easier it gets...and the better your writing will become.

Happy re-goaling,
