I've been slaving away at editor-requested edits on a short story this week and in a moment of respite started thinking. What are my publicity options if the editor offers me a contract? I mean, I know the basics--which is that authors really need to do most of their own publicity unless they've nailed a 6 figure deal (and even then don't rely on the publisher) or have a publicist to do the thinking & legwork.
Here are some thoughts on where to go for publicity once that book/story publication grows nearer:
Armed and Ready: A Guide to Publicity Materials by Kate Stine
Free Publicity for Your Book by Patrika Vaughn
Blog: The Publicity Hound
Free Publicity for Your Book at Midwest Book Review
And one last post from one of my favorite, most insightful writer's writer:
16 Ways to Get Free Publicity by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Get out there and spread the word!