Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Workshop: Fiction to Freelance in 8.2 Seconds

Yeah, yeah. So I've missed a week or so. Happens to the best of us. After a short vacation away, getting in the groove of anything was almost too much energy to expend--writing included.

Lucky for you I've had my morning caffeine and I'm back. And with a way cool post, too. I know--shameless self-promotion, but I'm REALLY excited about this one. I've never taught an online course before and it's a topic several of my writing friends have been asking me about for some time. And a topic you'll hopefully be reading about from yours truly in an upcoming issue of RWR.

Fiction to Freelance in 8.2 Seconds is the course I'll be teaching this June via the Hearts through History RWA. There's a wealth of other monthly workshops there--check them out. I took one last year on incorporating more sensuality in writing and had a great time while learning valuable tips. (I hope someone says that about my workshop...!)

Here's their main workshop page: http://www.heartsthroughhistory.com/class.htm

And here's mine: http://www.heartsthroughhistory.com/freelance.htm

Come on, sign up...we'll have a great time!

Happy getting-back-into-the-groove,