Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fun!: WriteFix's Random List Idea Generator

Here's the deal:

You've become disciplined enough to set aside time daily to write and now that you're settled for your daily writing time....but nothing's coming out.

Whether you're stuck, in need of thinking outside the box, need something completely unrelated to your topic to get you writing, need a journal topic...or's a really fun place to play while you await that blessed, blasted muse: The WritingFix Random List Idea Generator.

Just click on the button until you find a topic you like and use it however you want. Maybe you can make a list of 100 things that fit that topic. Or choose one list item you've come up with and run with an essay, flash fiction story, short story, greeting card...or whatever your brain is thinking.

Try it--it's just plain fun. (scroll about 1/3 down the page for the generator button)

Happy writing & listing,
